Company history - Solidaris - bezpieczny transport niebezpiecznych ładunków


Solidaris was established in September 2003 as a family business founded by the Groeger siblings. The company name is a combination of two words: SOLID – reliability and ARIS – ingenuity.

From the very beginning, our priority has been the highest quality of our services, which we strive to achieve through: timeliness of deliveries, professional service, wide range of transports, diversification of the fleet and investments in systems supporting the control of transports.

The quality and safety policy we apply has been confirmed by certificates: ISO 9001:2015 and SQAS (Safety & Quality Assessment System).

We have also received numerous awards from independent institutions for our management and quality policy, which undoubtedly proves that we are a trustworthy company.

Today, after more than ten years of business, we are very pleased that our clients appreciate us and are so willing to use our services.

A turning point in the history of our company was the acquisition of 100% of shares in PTS AUTOZAK Sp. z o.o., which was established in 1998. PTS AUTOZAK was the first transport company in Poland to obtain a SQAS test certificate; the company specializes in the transport of neutral liquid chemical products and dangerous goods in tanker trucks.

The merger of SOLIDARIS and AUTOZAK companies is a perfect combination of creativity, modernity and experience, thanks to which we can ensure the highest quality of services and safety for your cargo.
